Racing Around the World Book 2 9781741621488

Racing Around the World Book 2

Author: Healy, Ryan and Porter, Matthew

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Brings the world into the classroom. Each week a new country or region is visited and teams have to solve problems, find clues, research and complete tasks to be first to the finish line. Each of the 16 stages is broken down into individual worksheets, each of which contains puzzles, research questions, activities and optional tasks which can be used as an introduction for week's classroom activities. The exercises encourage students to become actively involved in the learning process and encourage independent thinking and an awareness of the global community. Designed to complement and extend the middle school Geography studies, it provides stimulating exercises that will aid in the students' understanding of the world that surrounds them. These reproducible exercises are suited for use as group activities, classroom discussion topics, individual research projects, homework exercises, assessments and as a valuable resource for replacement teachers.

  • Format: Paperback
  • Series: Racing Around
  • Publisher: Knowledge Books and Software
  • Subject: Geography
  • Audience: Secondary