Apollo 13
Author: Watts, Robyn P.
Houston, we've had a problem!' These famous words from the astronauts of the Apollo 13 Mission became the stuff of movies. This story explains NASA's Apollo Space Program to get a 'Man on the Moon' and the challenges they faced along the way, including the incredible survival of the Apollo 13 crew in the face of disaster. The Moon Mission was an amazing achievement of science and human tenacity. A great story for use in science and design studies in solving problems in physics and materials.
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 44
- Series: eXplore Chapter Books
- Series Number: 4
- Publication Date: 1/07/2020
- Publisher: Knowledge Books and Software
- Subject: Learning Support, Literacy
- Audience: Primary, Secondary
- Reading Recovery: Level 25
- Curriculum: Australian