About Us
About Knowledge Books and Software

Knowledge Books and Software is a privately-owned family business headquartered on the Gold Coast, Queensland. It is part of the Watts Group of Companies. We have been publishing, producing software and servicing educational needs since 1987. We are very proud of our publishing which has continued to produce award-winning blended media content in print and digital forms.
Knowledge Books and Software is a trading name of Watts Innovation PTY LTD ABN: 75003053316
The History of Knowledge Books and Software
Knowledge Books and Software (KBS) services schools, TAFEs, universities and other organisations in the region and internationallly via dedicated agents, website orders and promotional information. We have been servicing schools Australia-wide since 1987! Our published products are used throughout Australia and the rest of the world!
Our skills:
- Web services - Online ordering. Technical expertise and also the management and set up as well as consultancy
- Publishing and packaging - educational, scientific, medical and specialist publications can be managed whilst integrating with digital media.
Our focus for beyond 2020:
This remains in the areas of learning support for literacy, Indigenous perspectives and subjects in secondary school. We have a high expectation of helping make resources for these areas of teaching and expect to see a lot more offerings by 2021.
If you have a manuscript or program which is for the education sector - please feel free to contact us at any stage and we will be more than happy to discuss. General trade and library books are not acceptable. It has to be for the classroom.
Feel free to contact us at any stage for any other inquiry and we will be more than happy to help.
Knowledge Books and Software
4/498 Scottsdale Drive, Varsity Lakes, QLD, 4227, Australia
Phone: 07 5568 0288 Fax: 07 5568 0277
We look forward to hearing from you!
Rob Watts
Managing Director