Indigenous Reconciliation Teacher Guide

Author: Watts, R.T.

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A previous Governor-General, Sir William Deane, reflected the views of many Australians when he said that "until true reconciliation with its Indigenous peoples is reached, Australia is a diminished nation". A dictionary meaning of reconciliation is "the re-establishing of cordial relations". Reconciliation includes acknowledging the wrongs that have been done to Australia's first inhabitants who suffered unspeakable hardships during and after invasion by the British. Reconciliation also includes acknowledging what happened and understanding why it happened.

We can support reconciliation by working together to overcome the reasons why there is division and inequality between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Achieving reconciliation involves learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. Achieving reconciliation is also about acknowledging the right of all people, no matter what their origins, to justice and equality of opportunity in all aspects of today's Australian society.

The resources in this book are much more than content-based with engaging images but carefully constructed tasks to provide deep-learning experiences. The broad range of inquiry-based activities which are designed with supporting maps, line arts and images will provide an extensive choice to suit any of your classes and subject areas.
It is hoped that the activities in this book will contribute to the reconciliation process in some small way.

Richly packed with information for class and individual research. Group activities, Internet activities and general research. This resource provides a multitude of possibilities.