History of the First Australians Set 5 (Books 81-100) - Teachers' Resource
SKU / ISBN: 9781761271823
Author: Coombs, Sharlene
Shortlisted in the 2023 Educational Australian Publishing Awards
Welcome to the Teachers' Resource for our exciting, new and culturally inclusive History of the First Australians Set 5! This series continues the celebration of First Nations history, heritage, culture, and values through literacy.
This Teachers' Resource has been designed to help your students engage in deeper learning opportunities through literacy activities that link with each of the stories. Activities address spelling and vocab development, word study, oral language, comprehension, and reading fluency.
Important elements of cultural diversity, identity, and inclusivity are addressed within the activities which further assists the development of children's social and emotional wellbeing.
Various ACARA F-10 References are covered, however the primary purpose of this guide is to continually develop literacy skills and oral language opportunities within the context of Indigenous Perspectives.
Click here to view the Teachers' Resource answers.