Indigenous Art Collection

Author: Fourmile, Trevor

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A valuable and beautiful collection of Indigenous art inspired by many styles.

This resource was developed for the purpose of students being able to learn more about the First Nations' People by reviewing their art and inclusion in their own art portfolio. The decisions as to colour, form and placement will allow a greater insight in the significance of this art as well as its sheer beauty.

This resource contains an enormous collection of First Nations' inspired and drawn art works for many uses in the classroom.

About the author:

Trevor FourmileTrevor Fourmile is a Yidinji man from Cairns, Far North Queensland. He is a well-respected artist and author. His stories, designs and art are the Yidinji people's culture. Trevor's art reflects the beautiful coastal rainforests and the breathtaking life of the coral waters. Trevor is passionate about sharing his culture with his people and others to build pride and respect.

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