Physical Sciences Puzztivity 9781920696993

Physical Sciences Puzztivity

Author: Dent, Kerry

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Puzztivities provides teachers with a valuable set of puzzles, activities and extensions covering a vast array of topics for secondary physical science that will challenge and stimulate the students.

Puzztivities may be used by the teacher in a variety of ways, including instant lessons: introductions to, or revisions of, topics; extensions or confidence boosters. Whichever way the teacher incorporates them into their teaching strategies, they will provide a valuable ready resource that will enhance the scientific reasoning and methodical skills in their students while they have fun!

Physical Sciences Puzzitivity has 50 reproducible worksheets on the following areas:

  • Measurement
  • Matter
  • Reactions
  • Natural and Synthetic Materials
  • Forces and Energy
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Light and sound
  • Water
  • Atmosphere and Weather
  • Space
  • The Earth Beneath Us

These worksheets will enhance the teaching and learning of science in a most unique and dynamic manner.

  • Format: Photocopiable Masters
  • Series: Puzztivitiy
  • Publication Date: 09/01/2002
  • Publisher: Knowledge Books and Software
  • Subject: Subject: Science
  • Audience: Secondary