Basic Workshops
Author: Gibson, Jenny
Basic Workshops is the second book in the ABC of Art Skills series.
In the last book in the series, Art Skills, you learned the importance of a simple, nicely drawn line. Now you have good hand control and a feeling of empowerment. You can draw. You have discovered a style of your own.
This book will take you through a set of workshops designed to build on your skills and help you to feel more confident and more accomplished. It will help to show you how to turn your ideas into something useful when required.
Contents include:
- Perspective exercises and games
- Understanding linear perspective
- Plot a perspective grid
- Trying out techniques of the master artists
- The wonderful world of 3D drawing
- Create a fantasy castle
- Understanding aerial perspective
- Colour wash landscapes
- Colour theory and practice exercises
- Create your own colour wheel
- Create your own spectrum
- Create your own logo
Complete with photocopiable worksheets Basic Workshops is suitable for use inthe home as a self-study text, or in the classroom as part of an artskills course and includes teachers notes on assessment gradings.
- Format: Photocopiable Masters
- Series: The ABC of Art Skills
- Publication Date: 28/10/2005
- Publisher: Knowledge Books and Software
- Subject: Arts
- Audience: Secondary