Healthy Me! Mental Health Series Value Pack HMMHVP

Healthy Me! Set 1 Mental Health Series Pack

Author: Paulsen, Michael

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  • Value Pack contains one copy of each of the 10 Healthy Me! Mental Health readers. Save 10% off retail price!
  • Class Pack contains five copies of each of the 10 Healthy Me! Mental Health readers. Save 20% off retail price!

The Healthy Me! Series incorporates the following Australian Curriculum HPE content:

  • ACPPS001: Identifying things they are good at and describing how these have changed over time.
  • ACPPS003: Identify people and demonstrate protective behaviours and other actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy.
  • ACPPS005: Identify and describe emotional responses people may experience in different situations.
  • ACPPS006: Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing.
  • ACPPS015: Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities.
  • ACPPS016: Describe physical and social changes that occur as children grow older and discuss how family and community acknowledge these.
  • ACPPS018: Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health, safety and wellbeing.
  • ACPPS020: Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others' feelings.
  • ACPPS021: Examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and behaviours.
  • ACPPS024: Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected.
  • ACPPS033: Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities.
  • ACPPS035: Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
  • ACPPS036: Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing.
  • ACPPS038: Investigate how emotional responses vary in depth and strength.
  • Format: Pack
  • Series: Healthy Me! Readers
  • Publication Date: 7/05/2016
  • Publisher: Knowledge Books and Software
  • Subject: Literacy, Physical Education
  • Audience: Primary
  • Reading Recovery: Level 08, Level 13, Level 16, Level 19, Level 20, Level 28
  • Curriculum: Australian