Simply Strange Stories
Author: Hughes, Marion and Clayton, Sharon and Lawrence, Bernadette and Colcott, Frank
This book comprises ten high-interest, bizarre and odd stories designed for those who find reading a challenge, or who simply enjoy a quirky tale.
Each story has been road tested on students of varying reading abilities and is accompanied by a series of short comprehension questions that range in difficulty from simple to extension. The aim of this book is to make reading fun, through the use of "odd" and "bizarre" and to motivate students to read more.
The "Would You Believe It?" anecdotes are short, engaging extracts aimed to provide a quick target of interest beyond the main story. They could also be used in the classroom to stimulate creative writing or research tasks.
For the reluctant readers who cringe at a page of text, there are the "Simply Strange Snippet" pages: quirky, true stories that never fail to amaze.
- Format: Paperback
- Publisher: Knowledge Books and Software
- Subject: English, Learning Support
- Audience: Primary, Secondary
- Curriculum: Australian